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Breastfeeding reduces long-term risk of heart disease

Updated: Sep 29, 2019

Breastfeeding is protective of both acute and chronic diseases for mom and baby.

We could write lists and lists of the benefits of breastfeeding!--- but don't worry, that isn't this post.

However, new data has determined...

There is some new data to add to the ever growing list.

Based off of several current studies, the European Society of Endocrinology has determined yet another benefit for breastfeeding mothers. They stated after their annual meeting that evidence shows that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop heart disease.

These studies assessed 283 postmenopausal women and their health status. After adjusting the relationship for other risk factors such as cholesterol, smoking habits, and body weight, they found that breastfeeding specifically reduced risks for arterial stiffness and atherosclerosis.

Heart disease is one of the main causes of death among men and women worldwide and includes many factors, both positive and negative, that influence its development.

High Prolactin levels and reduced diabetes risks...

This link between breastfeeding and heart disease may be due to the relationship between high prolactin levels and its association with lowered diabetes risk. As you may know, diabetes is one of the main risk factors to the development of heart disease. Therefore, heart disease could be seen as an associative reduction in conjunction with reduced risk for diabetes with high prolactin levels.

In conclusion...

If you are concerned about your health and want to see how your diet and breastfeeding can help you in the future, Mamas Maternal Health can help you reach your goals, click here to view our website and find out how!

Until next time!

Mikayla and Cassie

Mamas Maternal Health Registered Dietitians/Lactation Counselors


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